Code Of Conduct

  • Integrity:   
    We will always adhere to the highest moral and ethical standards and behave fairly and honestly towards all participants.
  • Respect:   
    We will treat all stakeholders, including our supporters, partners and those who benefit from our work with respect and dignity.
  • Transparency:   
    We will communicate our work openly and honestly and be available at all times for questions and inquiries.
  • Responsibility:   
    We will be responsible for our actions and decisions and strive to achieve our goals and keep our promises.
  • Professionality:   
    We will always act professionally and expertly and constantly strive to improve our skills and knowledge.
  • Teamwork:   
    We will support each other and work together to achieve our common goals.
  • Compliance  
    We comply with all applicable laws and regulations and report immediately on any violation of this Code of Conduct
  • Sustainability:   
    We will strive to find sustainable solutions and shape our work in a way that protects the environment and the local community.
  • Diversity and Inclusion:
    We will strive to create a diverse and inclusive work environment, and to champion the rights and dignity of all people.
  • Holistic orientation - we try to create a holistic orientation in all matters.
  • Ethical principles:
    All content used and used by the Hard Rock Nations Community is strictly ethical.
  • Protection of user information  
    Hard Rock Nations Foundation does not collect any data about these to external advertising companies or ad systems. to pass on to collective data sellers. The information collected by regarding our user base and potential target groups is used exclusively within the HRN system and is not used as pure data information. No personal data or tracking information of individual users is passed on.
  • Highest standards for food and products  
    The standards of food and products used are based exclusively on the highest guidelines of the respective testing authorities.
  • Trusted providers  
    The Hard Rock Nations organization works exclusively with, in the interest of the users, trustworthy and verifiable service providers and cooperation partners.
  • We are always FOR a solution - never against a problem

This Code of Conduct serves as a guide to the conduct of all stakeholders in our charity project and we expect all stakeholders to adhere to these principles. 
Any violation of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action.


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Alle Bilder sind fiktiv und gezeigte Persönlichkeiten stehen nur in beispielhaftem Zusammenhang mit dem benannten Projekt. All pictures are fictional and shown personalities are only in exemplary connection with the named project. Toutes les images sont fictives et des personnalités montrées sont seulement en relation exemplaire avec le projet nommé. Todas las imágenes son ficticias y las personalidades mostradas están solo en relación ejemplar con el proyecto nombrado. すべての写真は架空のものであり、示されている個性は、名前付きプロジェクトとの例示的な接続でのみです。